After years of sapa, Nigeria and the goodness of life alike, we all have a different view of being humans than we used to have when we were much younger. The DM team shares their word to their younger selves from a decade ago.
Spoiler: Solomon is an anime-addict and Itty is twisted.
Jaiye lo! Always take it easy with yourself. Worry less and have more fun.
Don’t give up on your fantasies of ending up with an older Italian woman. It can happen. Be patient, grow with the process. It’s no good skipping processes or wanting to ‘blow’ overnight. Everything in life is a process, enjoy it.
Hermother’s Daughter
Stop being “humble”. When you are good, you are good.
Life will hit you over and over, but don’t let it snuff out your joy. You are not too ambitious. Stop looking for love in the wrong places with the wrong people. Love will find you and when it does, it will be all you prayed for, wished for, wanted and even more. Be yourself unapologetically.
People like you now. Things get better. Not great, but better.
It didn’t get easy when you thought it would. It hasn’t but it will. Avoid getting close to the wrong people. Save more now. Irrespective of what people say or how they make you feel, remember you are smart. You are in a phase where you feel you are the best and it’s fine. You will realize that others are better and you have to accept it because it’s fine. Everyone has their strength and time. Learn to be you, love you and accept you. Create memories.
Savor every blissful moment you get and love yourself more.
Get a girl, man.
Sometimes, act normally. It’s not everyday you will show people that you are mad. Write more, smile less, read more manga and accept that life comes with its ups and downs. Be expressive, and speak up more often. Don’t take shit from anyone. The anime website you want to start, start it.
What’s your one word to your younger self?
Millennials across Africa and in the diaspora have the same picture of what the world should look like. We are documenting it in the coolest ways
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